The “Transforming Habits. Agency, Cognition, and Social Change” (TransHab) PRIN 2022 PNRR project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of habits, emphasizing their pre-reflective and pre-intentional nature, deeply intertwined with conscious action and social practices. Contemporary philosophy lacks a comprehensive understanding of habits, despite their critical role in social phenomena like racism and inequality. The project’s hypothesis suggests that investigating habits’ cross-sectional nature and their relation to reflectivity and rationality is crucial for transformative social programs. It aims to achieve this by: 1. Describing habit formation across social levels; 2. Explaining habits’ role in agency and social phenomena; 3. Understanding their emancipatory potential; and 4. Providing tools for social change. Drawing from various philosophical traditions and scientific fields, the project seeks to develop a nuanced understanding of habits and their implications for human and social life, facilitating effective programs for social transformation.
Lead Research Unit: University of Parma.
Other Research Units: Roma Tor Vergata University, Roma Tre University.
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