Articles and essays: latest publications

We highlight below the publication of the most recent essays by Members or Contributors of the Philhabits Center. PIAZZA, M., Montaigne and coutume: A Relativistic Revolution?, “Discipline filosofiche”, XXXIV, 2, 2024, pp. 191-209 Montaigne’s doctrine on custom (coutume) represents a revolution compared to the philosophies of habit and custom of Patristics and Scholasticism. Precisely because of […]

Interviews with the speakers – “Power of Habits & Habits of Power”

On September 27 and 28, a conference titled “The Power of Habits & The Habits of Power” was held in the spaces of the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performance at Roma Tre University. In this video some of the speakers explain why today it is useful to talk about habits from an interdisciplinary perspective. […]

A Wittgensteinian Perspective on Dispositions – Alice Morelli

Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. XII, 220 This book investigates dispositions in grammatical-normative terms through a contrast between a naturalized paradigm and a Wittgenstein-inspired perspective. The book presents a conceptual analysis of the notion of disposition informed by Wittgenstein’s and Ryle’s philosophies to defend a normative notion of disposition. The book opens with a presentation of […]